Summer 2010


  • Riding the Range

    The list of adjectives streaming through my mind was certainly more George Carlin than Hallmark as I hugged bare dirt and scree in the fetal position and dime-sized hail wailed my noggin at 10,000 feet. I had just clamored…
  • Suby Tales 2010: The Winners

    ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY SUBARU!For the third time, Outside Bozeman and southwest Montana drivers have teamed up to celebrate that most quintessential Montana vehicle, the mighty and stalwart Subaru. This renowned Asian auto has…
  • Summer Summits in Hyalite

    Over the past several years, my friend Ted Border and I attempted to climb all of the named peaks in the Hyalite range. After our successful ascent of Fridley Peak in July of 2005, we felt like we had accomplished our goal…
  • Yellowstone to Yangtze

    High on the Tibetan Plateau, the Yangtze River sits at an elevation of 12,000–14,000 feet; surrounding peaks tower at over 18,000 feet. Nomads still roam the region, and remote monasteries are commonplace. The location is…


  • Get a Grip

    A guide to translate climber-gibberish. “Dude, I got nasty Elvis Leg after that crimpy crux, just before I hit the crack and landed a few bomber jams!” Whaaaat? If listening to climbers spew about their adventures sounds…
  • Paradise Watched

    First light in the Paradise Valley. This early in the day, the road is home only to the deer, the antelope, and me. In the dim, dewy calm, they graze along the cutbanks and sandbars of the Yellowstone River under the…
  • Once Bitten Twice Shy

    Snakes and their bites are the subject of much fear and trepidation. In Montana, over the last eight years, only 45 people have been bitten and no one has died. Inquisitive pets, however, are at greater risk. For dogs and…
  • Outside Ennis

    Fishing may be all the recreational rage in Ennis, and for good reason; but there’s plenty of outdoor fun for the non-angler as well. HikingSoutheast of Ennis, standing proudly amidst the Madison Range, is the mighty Sphinx…
  • Back to Bozeman

    The text message blinked as I sent it: “drinking 40s on the lawn.” A decade ago, it would have sounded logical; now it just seemed like we were trying too hard. Yet there I sat. I might have been 20-something again, crossed…
  • Backcountry First Aid

    Anything can happen in the Montana backcountry. When it does, homeopathic remedies can be welcome additions to the first aid kit: they're light, inexpensive, and effective when correctly administered. As a bonus, you can…
  • The Core Four

    It was enough that we pledged to show her dead body to her yellow lab, Shamus. Now we were asked to spread her ashes atop “Lady B.” It’s what lifelong friends must do. Dee Ann outlived Shamus, and she will most likely…
  • Endless Ennis

    The days are long, the grass is green, and just like everyone else, you're probably trying to make time in your summer schedule for some actual fun. One of the best places in the state to find that elusive fun is Ennis and…
  • Savor the Daylight

    After a long, cold winter, when the sunshine finally outpaces the rain and snow, the people of Bozeman embrace the summer season en masse. Shirtless runners, grandmas in flip-flops, and barefoot kids spring up like…
  • Gardiner-Area Events

    With Yellowstone Park splendor, loads of wildlife, recreational fun, and a spectacular sunset practically guaranteed, few towns hold more summer fun than Gardiner. Here’s what to do and when.RodeosJune 18-19 kicks off…
  • Runs in the Sun

    Trying to pick the best places to run near Bozeman is a little like trying to decide between ice cream and candy—they're all so good! So when the editors asked me which five I thought were the best, I had some thinking to…
  • Summertime Socials

    Bozeman summers are often a blur of hot, languid days fishing, floating, hiking, and biking in the long-awaited sunshine. But our warmer months also brim with other outdoor activities—music shows, theatrical performances,…
  • Montana Outdoor Fabric

    If you’ve got a hankering to make your own outdoor clothing, here’s one place to start: Montana Outdoor Fabric on in downtown Bozeman. Hiding inside this little white house across from Willson School are stacks upon stacks…
  • The Sexiness of Trail Running

    With a side of hot sauce. When it comes to sexiness, I want to be the Frank’s Red Hot on my boyfriend’s egg-white omelet. Although this is a very intuitive goal, achieving it is not quite so natural for me. All too often,…
  • Bike It Or Block It Off?

    Like many political issues, the recent reduction in mountain-bike access to the core of the Hyalite–Porcupine–Buffalo Horn Wilderness Study Area (WSA) has received both lavish praise and intense criticism. The Forest…
  • Doggone Pain

    From hiking to swimming to flushing game birds, Bozeman-area dogs are an active, energetic bunch. But no matter how fit and healthy they may be, all dogs eventually experience the effects of trauma and aging. These health…
  • Go Ahead, Make My Day

    I am your local bicycle mechanic: fueled by caffeine, lovingly grumpy, adorably retro, and acceptably surly. I live and breathe the pedal-powered machines, treating each with the respect that a machine of freedom deserves.…
  • The Coolest Cruisers

    May 21 is Bike to Work day in the United States, but for more and more Americans, a two-wheeled commute is a year-round proposition. According to the League of American Bicyclists and the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of…
  • All the Crays

    The UV Chewy Crayfish pattern is a great year-round pattern on the Yellowstone and Madison rivers as well as our local lakes. Its lifelike movement, silhouette, and softness draw many species of fish—they like to chew on it…
  • Ice-Out, Baby

    If Bozeman isn't the center of the fly-fishing universe, its at least in the right galaxy. Which is why the first annual Ice-Out Guide Event brought over 200 Simms-endorsed guides from as far as Florida, New York, and…
  • The Manhattan Project

    There is the rest of the world's Manhattan—the one in New York—and then there's our Manhattan. Theirs has the Upper West Side; ours is the Upper West Side. Theirs is near the Bronx, and ours is near the broncs. For them, "…
  • Summer Buggin'

    The dry flies to use on the Yellowstone. Summer on the Yellowstone River offers the best dry fly fishing of the year. Although the trout key on dozens of different insects, the Salmon Fly, Grasshopper, and Evening Caddis…
  • Time In

    Nobody really wants to spend a beautiful July afternoon staring at their own sweaty reflection in a fingerprint-smudged weight-room mirror. Yeah, we get that. But if you’re willing to make the sacrifice, your time inside…
  • The Secret List

    Preparation and outdoor skills are crucial to survival in Montana's high country, and even a single day in the hills necessitates proper gear. Rather than discuss the “10 Essentials,” let’s instead debunk the concept of…
  • Rock Group

    On the way to your favorite local crag, do you ever stop to think how that manicured access trail came to be? Or who has granted you access to the land you happily trod over to reach the rock? Well, if you’ve climbed around…
  • PreCycling

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. These are the core concepts of environmental awareness. But other, less intuitive concepts such as the prevention of waste, known as precycling, can be equally important. In lean times, it is often…
  • REI Comes to Town

    On May 21, outdoor gear goliath Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) officially opened its doors at Stone Ridge Square on North 19th, boasting over 25,000 square feet of top outdoor brands, a bike shop, and a gear-rental…
  • Face-Off: Bozeman vs. Butte

    Battle of the B's in southwest Montana. Yeah, we've all made fun of it. We call it "Butt" or "The Pit" or "that place I go to get drunk on St. Patrick's Day." But Butte can't be all that bad, right? It was chosen over all…
  • How to Catch a Pig

    Four people. One pig. A ring. A barrel. It sounds like the prelude to a hell of a barbecue, but really it's the typical stage for a good pig-wrestling match, where the goal is to wrestle a 70ish-pound porker into a barrel…
  • Beetle-Kill Lumber

    Everyone's talking about it, and we've all noticed the large portions of our lush green hillsides blotted with unsightly stands of dry, reddish-brown trees. Thanks to the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) and…
  • A Long Walk in the Woods

    Tracking migration for conservation. This summer, Bozeman-based filmmakers Deia Schlosberg and Gregg Treinish plan on exploring wildlife migration between two unique ecological “gems”: the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and…
  • Big Sky Base Camp

    With its “Biggest Skiing in America,” Big Sky Resort draws both locals and visitors to its incredible terrain every winter, but it’s always been somewhat sleepy in the summertime. Not anymore. After the tremendous…
  • Ten Years and Counting

    Descending from a brisk, after-work M hike, I clambered up a rock outcropping to take in the view. After three days of intermittent rain, the sky finally cleared - the air was clean and crisp, the fields and foothills a…
  • Getting Down to Business

    “So, everyone else out to lunch?” I naively ask as Andy Tuller, owner of Outa Ware Outdoor Clothing Company, leads me through a tour of his facilities, showing off the industrial sewing machines, miles of fabric, and well-…

Gear Reviews

  • Review: Sun Mountain Zero G Bag

    When the river’s too muddy to fish or your legs need rest after summiting the Sphinx, a great low-impact option around Ennis is Madison Meadows Golf Course. This nine-hole gem is inexpensive, challenging, and scenic, making…
  • Review: Backpacking Gear

    The Sierra Designs Veranda 3 Tent is the perfect crash pad for three weary travelers—or in our case, two people and two dogs. This snazzy three-season shelter is designed for comfort, with two doors, two vestibules, a high…
  • Review: Car Camping Gear

    Food is the all-important consideration when car-camping—and the Primus Atle BBQ Stove facilitates some fine lakeside dining. Lightweight, durable, and easy to set up, this camper’s mini-kitchen has a standard burner for…
  • Review: Chaco Leather Flip Eco Tread

    The Leather Flip is the new “I’ve had a hard day, let’s relax” sandal. Wear them with skirts, wear them with shorts. Wear them on a plane. You get the idea. They have a BioCentric foot bed that supports the arch, so you…
  • Review: Metolius Iron Hand Gloves

    The Metolius Iron Hand Glove is now a permanent addition to my climbing rack. The thick leather palm keeps your hands ropeburn- and dirt-free, while the 3/4-finger length provides critical dexterity when threading the…

Book Reviews

Outside Bozeman Summer 2010


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