The fracture line arced up and across the slope, traversing the ridgeline like a diagonal bolt of lightning. A chest-high crown appeared as the massive slab detached and moved downslope. From the hurtling snow came a whirr…
Many folks believe that we can ski Saddle “safely.” How can we safely ski any slope with people hidden below and out of view while others are dropping in on top of you? It would be more accurate to say we ski Saddle “…
Dana Gleason just keeps on truckin'.
After 35 years of making packs, longtime Bozeman local Dana Gleason is busy. And his company–Mystery Ranch–shows no signs of slowing down, ramping up production to meet the massive…
With three million people swarming its gates every year, Yellowstone can get a little crazy in the summertime. Not so in winter, when the endless human hordes are replaced by open roads, vast fields of white, and a cold,…
How to fail like a pro.
Anyone can succeed. It takes a rare and special talent, however, to fail—and fail with such gusto that the failure becomes secondary to the triumphant achievement of mere survival. This is the…
There are some places that many women try to avoid, and let’s face it, a locker room full of sweaty guys—along with their stinky, unwashed capilene—is one of them. And some women would shy away from waking in the wee hours…
We've all seen him: the guy up on the ridge who looks like a total mess. He's holding the line up, he's swinging skis and poles everywhere, and he's stopping in the middle of everything to fix his gloves. His I've-never-…
If you're buried in an avalanche, you have a 93% chance of being recovered if you're found in 15 minutes or less. That is, if you survive the ride. So when was the last time you actually practiced with your transceiver?…
No pair of devoted, loyal skis should ever be left to rot in the garage—no matter how unshaped, heavy, geriatric, or neon. Fortunately, there are more than a few ways to reincarnate your skis and give them a useful second…
Why is there a chairlift in that one guy's front yard? If you've lived in Bozeman in the last 20 years, you've probably noticed it—Greg Beardsley's two-chair setup in his front lawn on Church Street. As a 30-year veteran of…
Top Dog contest winners.
Who’s bad to the bone? Round two of the annual Top Dog contest brought in photos by the dozen of Bozeman’s most beloved beast—Canis lupus familiaris, that happy-go-lucky, four-legged friend who…
In winter, it's just as important to consume Vitamin D and Vitamin C as it is to keep up physical activity. However, intakes of these micronutrients tend to decline in winter due to limited sunshine (for Vitamin D…
Montana weather may be blissful for skiers, but it can be notoriously hard on homeowners’ wallets. Luckily there are a variety of things you can do to reduce energy costs. Conventional methods include water-heater wraps,…
Hooray, winter is here! Get out your skis, snowshoes, and ice skates—it’s time for fun in the snow. As an outdoor enthusiast, you might ready your body, strengthening knees, legs, and arms for the activities ahead. But do…
Skiing down through deep powder snow
And as I spun, the mountain fell,
Laid down at its foot like the curve of a bell,
Crumpled and dead, and fearsome to see
The power of tension and gravity,
Rocks lay exposed,…
The demand for avalanche education has literally exploded in the Bozeman area. There are now numerous courses to choose from depending on experience and interest.
For the novice, the Friends of the Gallatin National Forest…
Without a doubt, offering local and organic food is definitely a trend in Bozeman's restaurants these days. Norris Hot Springs, Wild Joe’s Coffee House, the Emerson Grill, Weebee’s Café, Nova Café, and John Bozeman’s Bistro…
Repenting for past mistakes.
It’s hard to admit, but we’ve all committed them—outdoor sins. You’ve discovered a muddy trail and biked it anyway, borrowed your buddy’s gear and neglected to own up to the subsequent thrashing…
87: reported avalanche incidents in our area last winter
21: people caught in avalanches
9: partial burials
3: full burials
3: fatalities
35: total avalanche fatalities last year in the U.S.
0: days the avalanche danger was…
There’s a wise older woman in my life who told me, “Don’t give advice, just tell your story.” So as we head toward winter and the plethora of outdoor recreational activities associated with cold smoke, I can’t help but give…
People generally don't associate Boy Scouts with ice climbing. But Bozeman's Troop 679, composed of eight boys all around the age of 14, is far hardier than most: last winter, the boys went ice climbing with Ron Brunckhorst…
This winter, our nation’s wounded warriors converge on Big Sky January 7-11 to attend Operation SAS (Sports, Afield & Stream), a five-day event hosted by Operation Never Forgotten (ONF). Kicking off with a sportsman’s…
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. –William BlakeIn most parts of the country, people dread the winter season. Griping about the “God-awful weather,” their faces contort into stubborn scowls as they rush…
Winter is a fine time in Montana, not just for skiers, but for wilderness aficionados as well. Elk are in the low country, bison are often on the move, and wolves are visible against the pale palette of snow. And tracks…
Walking through a Jefferson County ranch one summer day, I inadvertently flushed a great horned owl. Before I could clear out so she could return to her roost, two ravens and a golden eagle swooped in from above. The eagle…
Insults for your foe.
As the temperatures cool down, the age-old rivalry heats back up: skiers vs. snowboarders. Both have an unjustified sense of superiority over the other, and jokes abound about each type. Here’s a…
Last winter I tagged along on a snowshoe trip through MacDonald Pass near Helena as part of a recent Defenders of Wildlife effort to involve the public in its research and causes. Defenders is a well-known proponent of wolf…
Ice fishing in southwest Montana.
Typically, the term ice fishing conjures images of crotchety geezers hunched around a hole in the ice, slapping back macro-brews, and jawing about the good ol’ days. But you don’t have to…
Getting good action shots can be tricky—if you don’t do it right, your high-speed freeriding friend will look like he’s creeping down the bunny slope. Here are a few things to think about when you’re trying to capture those…
Getting your dog high might sound like a funny thing to do, but it’s ultimately no laughing matter. “The dogs that come in are not having a good time,” says Sean East, emergency veterinarian at PETS in Bozeman. Since the…
It’s no secret that Bozeman is a dog-friendly town—make that dog-loving town. In the summer months, dogs are everywhere—on the trails, in the streams and lakes, downtown, and in the parks. Like their handlers, they crave…
In the latest installment of the Outside Bozeman gym round-up, we break from the routine-based facilities and investigate CrossFit gyms: a certification, a brand, a trend, a cult, a fad, a fitness phenomenon. Say what you…
Here’s a great winter recipe that’s simple, tasty, and hearty. After a hard day of skiing or snowshoeing, come home and fire up the BBQ for this classic meal.Ingredients: TURF1 12-16oz Montana natural New York beef steak1…
While Big Sky has a reputation as a ski town, there are plenty of other diversions in this little mountain hamlet.
Big Sky Resort always has entertainment for every family member: check out the Sno-Ball in the plaza for…
I turn my face skyward to soak in a little reassurance before I cross into the Ridge’s shadow. I’m riding the Pierre’s Knob chair at Bridger Bowl by myself on a weekday. Empty chairs ahead of me glide silently out of sight…
Local winter abodes.
Licks of window frost, blue in the darkness of morning, frame the distant glow of Gallatin Peak. You roll over in your sleeping bag, and the ancient bunk mattress beneath you squeaks in the cold. The…
March 12, 2011 marks the second annual Big Sky Hope on the Slopes. This fundraising event, hosted by the American Cancer Society, raised over $7,000 last year and aims to double that this winter. Participants register teams…
Mountains or deserts?
As the snow piles up around Bozeman, the touristy outdoor town of Moab in the deserty south of Utah starts to look like a welcome respite from the cold. But does this climbing and biking haven have…
Cross-country skiing aficionados of all types—lycra-clad skate-skiers, classic-track kick-and-gliders, and wool-bearing backcountry explorers alike—will converge on Lone Mountain Ranch for the annual Big Sky Nordic Ski…
Nagging joint and muscle injuries can limit winter wonderland fun. Nothing sucks more than having to hear about how epic the slopes were from your friends while you were stuck inside icing your knee and watching reruns of…
When Mother Nature’s out for vengeance, the North Face Venture 2 Jacket will keep you dry come rain or snow. The coat is made with a HyVent nylon fabric that utilizes a polyurethane coating, protecting you from all forms of…
Night hiking, camping, or biking, the Byte keeps you going after the sun stops shining. Weighing in at a mere 64 grams, its lightweight structure and comfy elastic headband let you forget that it’s strapped to your skull.…
Post-holing through deep snow is my definition of a cold day in hell. Luckily, snowshoes are a dime a dozen and the only problem is choosing the right pair. For unparalleled traction on hardpack, shallower snow, and…
Last year, Scarpa joined the eco-friendly party with their specially designed T2 Eco tele boot. The key distinction is in the shell—it’s built with Pebax Rnew plastic, which is made from castor plant oil rather than…
Black Diamond’s new Cyborg crampons may not the lightest on the market, but they'll last forever—no need to get new ones when your front points go out; just hop on the Web and order up another set. BD has also ditched the…
I had no idea what I was in for. Even though my roommates and colleagues teased me for wearing the Injinji Toesocks, the joke was on them. After a day hike and a long day in the mountains, my feet felt fabulous. These socks…
YakTrax are all the rage in Bozeman, and they’re fine for mild hardpack; but if you want to take your traction up a notch, pick up a pair of Diamond Grip Ice Trekkers. These lightweight yet sturdy mini-crampons will grab…
The Planet Dog Wood Chuck is perfect for earth-conscious Bozemanites with hyperactive canines. Made from bamboo and cork scraps—instead of the usual hard plastic of its forerunner, the Chuck-It—this is one ergonomic, eco-…
The Sandstone Active Jac by Carhartt is tough, warm, and made by a trusted name in work and outdoor clothing. Finding a jacket that insulates, breaks wind, and feels like it could protect you in an amateur knife fight is…
It’s hard to get excited about pieces of paper, but Beartooth Publishing has printed a few new maps that are nothing short of badass. Its extensive Outdoor Recreation maps cover a huge portion of the Rockies, including…
The talented local author Carol Buchanan debuts her second novel based on the Vigilantes of Montana with Gold Under Ice (Missouri Breaks Press, $17). This gripping Montana tale details life in the lawless gold-mining town…
In 2006, Chris Davenport set out to ski all of Colorado’s 14,000’ peaks in one year. Ski the 14ers: A Visual Tribute to Colorado's 14,000-Foot Peaks from the Eyes of a Ski Mountaineer (Wolverine Publishing, $50) chronicles…
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