Yellowstone’s wild, free-roaming buffalo are a unique wildlife resource. Certainly we can fashion a Montana solution that shares the land with our buffalo and their annual movements without slaughtering them every time they…
The dangers of whitewater kayaking.
Climbing onto an enormous, polished boulder, six brave souls look deep into the heart of a throbbing maelstrom. For most, high brows and wide eyes gaze up and down this ferocious…
Not in Iowa anymore.“One more time, Daddy!” my five-year-old voice squawked at my father as he grasped my white-and-red Strawberry Shortcake mittens for one more “pull” up the hill. From my very first foray into the…
Making the seasonal transition.
The worst of winter has subsided, and it’s time for runners to get trailblazing. What could be more exciting than the start of spring, when the roads are clear, temperatures are rising, and…
Bozeman's latest fashion craze.
How to find clothing rugged enough to endure the rigors of a hard day’s work or play, yet still look stylish and sexy—this is the ongoing dilemma of the modern-day Montana woman. Until now,…
Early-season trout haunts.A long Montana winter can give a guy a serious case of cabin fever, and what better way to cure it than to get a fly rod in hand and head for some productive water this spring. But there are a few…
From Iowa to Emigrant Peak.
“One more time, Daddy!” my five-year-old voice squawked at my father as he grasped my white-and-red Strawberry Shortcake mittens for one more “pull” up the hill. From my very first foray into…
Local Nordic skier, artist, mother, wife, and passionate community member Hedvig Rappe-Flowers died peacefully at her home in south Bozeman on January 4, 2007. Flowers faced her battle against cancer with strength and humor…
The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. —Benjamin Franklin
I was thinking about this quote the other day while circling the new Bozeman Library roundabout.…
Tail wagging, tongue lolling, a yellow lab smiles as only a dog can through the passenger window, driving away with her new owner. Curled up in the lap of her new caregiver, a kitten purrs with contentment. At Heart of the…
There has always been an ecological rationalization for hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. But with the cost of gas these days, a very real economic incentive has entered the minds of countless American consumers, as…
Is organic really organic?One of the biggest business trends of the last 20 years is the boom in organic and natural products. The industry is experiencing double-digit growth, going from a $4-billion to a $14-billion…
For two months of the year, set upon an inhospitable rock- and ice-filled landscape nesting around 17,600 feet, sits the Everest Base Camp Clinic. This is the first, and only, extreme-altitude emergency room ever…
Dear Editor,My recent book on the disenfranchisement of transgender immigrants was such a success that I was able to retire from my position in Amherst, Massachusetts as a professor of Genderization Studies and move to…
According to archaeologist Larry Lahren of Livingston, a two-year-old child and dozens of stone artifacts were buried together by late ice-age hunters 11,000 years agoat the base of a rocky bluff along a bend in the upper…
Adding to the Gallatin Valley Land Trust’s “Main Street to the Mountains” trail system, the new library trail will be quite an achievement once it is finished. The paved and lighted trail will connect the library with Peet’…
I’ve heard it hundreds of times. “I hurt my back and put heat on it. It felt so good I slept on my heating pad and this morning I couldn’t get out of bed!”Like the bumper sticker says, shit happens. If you’re an active…
“A thing is right only when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the community; and the community includes the soil, water, flora and fauna, as well as the people. It is wrong when it tends otherwise…
This spring Bozeman and the Big Sky take on Ithaca, New York and the Cornell Big Red. Home to the prestigious Ivy League university and the smaller Ithaca College, the town prides itself on a hip nightlife—more restaurants…
It’s spring, time
to scare the bears
off of the trash,
hose the caterpillars
out of their tents.
Time to shovel
thawed dog-blow
out of the yard
and pry the robin
from the cat.
It’s spring, time
to pick the first morels…
The verdict's in, and smoking is out.Clean indoor air laws are on the increase across the nation. Cigarette use is down. And there are now more people in the U.S. who have quit smoking than the 46 million Americans who…
Skiing, climbing, biking; all have an element of danger and a risk of injury. For avid Bozeman outdoorsman Ryan Rigard, it wasn’t skiing a crazy a line or crashing his bike that changed his life, it was a 12-foot fall from…
Here is the second half of our list of good places to donate your used gear. We hope you got off your duff and gave something to the folks in the winter issue. But if you didn’t, here’s your chance to get us to like you…
A Road Runs Through It: Reviving Wild Places
edited by Thomas Reed Petersen
Johnson Books
“Can we restore the spirit of a place once smothered in roads?” asks Thomas R. Petersen, editor of A Road Runs Through It: Reviving…
The women whose stories appear in A Mile in Her Boots: Women Who Work in the Wild come from widely varied backgrounds and have different jobs. They are alike only in their choice to work outdoors.
That being said, all 33…
The Road Washes Out in Spring: A Poet’s Memoir of Living Off the Grid is an enchanting memoir of the author’s two decades in the woods of Maine with his wife and children. Part of the 1960s back-to-the-land movement, Baron…
Thousands of Years of History Just Outside Bozeman
Made famous by the Lewis and Clark expedition, Missouri Headwaters State Park lays where three great rivers—the Gallatin, Madison, and Jefferson—meet to form the mighty…
Ah, spring! The season when Tennyson said a young man’s fancy “lightly turns to thoughts of love.” But for the region’s grizzly bears, newly roused from their winter’s fast, love can wait. It’s all about getting a good meal…
Raft-guide school: high water and high anxiety.I'm always amazed at how rivers can shape people in the same way they shape rocks—if you spend enough time on a river it will eventually wear away the rough edges and make you…
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