The shared psyche of skiers.I could tell she was a skier by her legs. Sleek and muscular, they looked like they’d spent plenty of time fighting the pull of gravity. The party was small and formal; eventually we were…
11:00 am. It feels early. I squint my eyes and look through the bedroom window. It’s snowing. Lucian and I had planned on climbing today, but if there’s fresh powder at Bridger, he might want to ski. The phone rings. “Let’s…
Our small group of wildlife watchers is on dawn patrol in Yellowstone National Park’s Lamar Valley, searching for that charismatic carnivore, the wolf. We unsheathe our binoculars and start looking near the juncture of the…
Last winter, 28 people died in avalanches in the United States—and almost all were recreationists. In over 90% of these cases, either the victim or someone in the party triggered the slide. Basically, when it comes to…
It snowed last night, I can smell it. The dry air, the chill nudging the back of my throat. The tip of my nose feels numb. Engulfed in a lair of blankets I retreat into sleep. It’s way too early. And I forgot to set the…
Remembering the early days at Bridger Bowl.
Once upon a time, long, long ago—with the greatest chagrin I realize I’m talking a half-century here—a magic chariot would arrive at our house on winter Sunday mornings and…
Winter astronomy.I’m convinced that there must be an obscure Montana statute stating that anybody who owns a home—or a pickup—must also own at least one dog. For canines abound in the Montana landscape the way stars litter…
When the temperatures plunge to frighteningly low numbers and even the desire to tromp out onto the ice begins to wane, take heart—this is the time to partake in an annual reorganization of your beloved fly collection. This…
Cross-Country Skiing in West Yellowstone.
Twenty-five years ago, the US Cross-Country Ski Team encountered a problem with their early-season training in Cooke City, MT: too much snow. The solution? Move down the road to…
Winter recreation in Yellowstone.
I had driven the stretch of Highway 191 between Four Corners and West Yellowstone countless times. I knew all of the best places to pass, and resisted the urge to hone my backseat driving…
Embracing Montana's multiple personalities.
A warm spell in midwinter is a strange and disorienting experience. You go to sleep after a long day riding powder and as you lay in bed you can still feel the float in your…
Fowl Weather n. Local duck and goose hunting opportunities that can create memorable times afield and delectable gastronomic experiences throughout the winter months.
The idea of waterfowling as prime winter recreation…
Taking a look at downtown Bozeman's graffiti scene.
Bozeman. It’s definitely not a jungle out there. Nor is it particularly urban. But thankfully it’s not just empty landscapes and cows either. Sprayed on various walls and…
More than hot tubs and house parties.
Anyone who’s been around the Bozone for more than a few years knows that entertainment options used to be pretty thin: a few smoky, half-empty bars; roaring bonfires in the back yard;…
Prevention and treatment for frostbite.
Physiologically, humans are tropical beings, better suited to losing heat than retaining it. When naked and at rest, a person's neutral environmental temperature is 28°C (82°F)… In…
I forget which guy said he climbed a mountainbecause it was there. That always seemed like a lameexcuse to me. I know some dudes who standon ledges and lean out over chasms in a little gamewhere thermals hold them up—or not…
West Yellowstone rolls with the tide.On a late October day in West Yellowstone, sun-drenched mountains and temperatures that creep into the sixties are convincing enough to lull any thoughts of bitter cold back into summer…
Four years ago I sat down with a potential client to review her medical history and assess her current level of fitness. When I asked if she’d ever broken any bones, she relayed to me a physical history that can only be…
Few people would argue the importance of muscular strength and cardiovascular conditioning to overall health and well-being. But what about balance training? How important is balance to the performance of everyday…
On September 12, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) bestowed an honor upon a late Bozeman resident whom Outside magazine once crowned “World’s Best Climber.” “Alex Lowe Peak” is the new name for a mountain in the…
The need for balance is fundamental to almost all outdoor pursuits. While making turns down the mountain, a skier stays balanced over his skis. A rock climber maintains balance over her holds on the rock face. Mountain…
On November 15, a bison-hunting season opened in Montana for the first time in 15 years. Two months prior, the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission approved the issuing of 50 licenses for the much-disputed hunt,…
The Bridger Bowl Ski Patrol and local artist Craig Hergert, owner of the Montana Panoramic Company, have teamed up on a fundraiser for the ski patrol's avalanche dog program. Since last winter, over 28 prints have been sold…
Baker's coyote contest.
On January 14, 2006, the town of Baker, Montana will have its annual coyote calling contest. No, this isn’t the kind of contest where you can win a t-shirt for moaning in public. This is a chance to…
Ask most serious skiers what their most valuable piece of equipment is and more often than not they’ll tell you that it’s their boots. Boots are the starting point of all your pressure to your skis; how well they fit…
I am a man for whom the outside world exists. –Théophile GautierMy first day on tele skis wasn’t pretty. Kent and I skinned four miles to the Potosi Alpine Yurt on a butt-cold February afternoon, arriving in time for a…
Eagle Mount's life-changing ski program.The ski experience is full of stories, from bottomless powder and deep blue skies to boilerplate moguls and train-wreck wipeouts. Eagle Mount embodies not only this enthusiastic…
No form of transportation has had a more profound impact on the Treasure State than the train.
Like the rest of the American West, the history of Montana is closely linked with railroads; trains provided the most effective…
Bozeman residents Durrae and John Johanek hit the road with Helena's Kurt Keller to photograph and profile 57 Montanans with unique jobs. Part Studs Terkel, part The Horse Whisperer, Montana Folks recognizes the diverse…
If you’ve got a hard-to-please hunter on your Christmas list this year, look no further. Rooster: A Tribute to Pheasant Hunting in North America, by renowned Bozeman photographer Dale Spartas, is sure to find a proud place…
A tactical trick for the steeps and tight spots.A stem turn is a great trick for skiers of all levels. It can be used to help start a turn that you’re uncertain about, or help you catch your balance when the snow conditions…
You can afford to just do it.
Any working stiff who’s tried to pick up a new sport knows how intimidating the outfitting process can be. Love skiing the backcountry but can’t stomach the thought of shelling out $1500 for a…
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