Powder Flirt

chairlift couple Bridger Bowl

Chairlift pickup lines.

Riding the chairlift is a bit like speed-dating; you only have a few minutes—well, sometimes 30 at Bridger—to chat up your chairmates. And with only a little bit of skin exposed, it’s up to your imagination to conjure an image of what he or she might look like without the helmet, goggles, and all that baggy clothing. Regardless what you’ve convinced yourself of, time is limited, so don’t screw it up. We’ve got you covered here with a selection of killer pickup lines. Try ’em out as icebreakers—or bone-breakers; the risk is yours.

These lines are all-around safe bets. Use ’em judiciously and you might score a date—or two, if he or she is skiing with a friend.

  • I couldn’t help but notice you were in the singles line.
  • Is it you or the altitude that’s taken my breath away?
  • You’re like a big powder day; I’ve been waiting for you all season.
  • Do you have a trail map? I just got lost in your eyes.
  • Can we put the bar down? I think I’m falling for you.

Oftentimes, dating is either all-in or all-out. We’ve got a handful of intermediate lines, in case you’re just not ready to push the boundaries to black.

  • You have the best ski bum on the mountain.
  • I’m like a green run: easy, and moms love me.
  • Want to make magic on the magic carpet?
  • Do you have hypothermia? I’d love to get into a sleeping bag with you.
  • Does the carpet match your slut strands?

These lines are high-risk, high reward. They could lead to the best night of your life, or to the patrol shack with bandages on your eyes or nose. Use them sparingly, and judiciously. Good luck.

  • Is that a beacon in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
  • I’ll wait for you to buckle your boots at the top if you wait for me to unbuckle my belt later.
  • Are you my favorite ski run? Because I can’t wait to explore every inch of you.
  • I ski with three poles.
  • Ever banged in a pot shack? (If yes: Want to do it again? If no: Want to try it?)
  • If those poles are too small for you, I've got one that might work.

Tender types, stop reading here. These are for the wannabe porn stars, the extremely confident, and the extremely crass.

  • The seat’s wet – is that snowmelt, or you?
  • Do you like face-shots?
  • This powder’s not the only thing that’s eight inches.
  • Looks like you have experience dropping to your knees (to a tele skier).
  • I had a premature ejection; can you help me find my stick?

Got a line? Send it our way at editor@outsidebozeman.com. Better yet, try one out on the chairlift and send us a picture together if things work out.