Review: AltiSnooze
Who doesn't love a good night's sleep? And how often do we suffer through bad ones? AltiSnooze aims to reduce the frequency of the latter, at least when it comes from being ill-adapted to altitude. Whether you're racking out in a tent on a rocky ridgeline, in a mountaintop Forest Service cabin, or in your own bed after two weeks in Mexico, this powder aids oxygenation, acclimation, and relaxation—at least according to the company's website, anyway. We passed a few packets around the office; here's what folks had to say.
Being at altitude can be challenging, and one of the biggest hurdles is the impact it has on sleep—especially when you’ve got big adventures planned for the next day. That’s where AltiSnooze comes in. —Adam
I used Alti-Snooze after returning from a week in the low desert of Arizona. Normally, my first night back at home is restless, but I slept through the night and woke up recharged and ready to get back to reality. —Chris
In the past, I've stalled on attempting any sort of sleep aid; but I should’ve bathed in Anti-Snooze months ago, when I first moved out west. Typically, a sudden increase of altitude—mountains, airplanes, chairlifts—brings on a headache, but AltiSnooze's trace mineral complex keeps me hydrated through the night so I wake up refreshed and pleasant in the morning. Less tossing and turning, too; when I shut my eyes on AltiSnooze, they stay shut 'til the the sun comes up. —Georgia
AltiSnooze addresses the root causes of sleeplessness at altitude by enhancing your body’s ability to oxygenate itself, while also supporting hydration and recovery with added electrolytes and trace minerals. And it tastes pretty good, too. —Maddie
Hypoxia can impede the soundest of sleepers, but AltiSnooze's oxygen-boosting agent helps me fall asleep and stay asleep, apnea bedamned. —Mike
"When it comes to a good night’s sleep, I need all the help I can get—especially at altitude. AltiSnooze helps me fall asleep sooner, sleep sounder, and wake up feeling rested & ready-to-roll." —Carson