Crossword: Cast 2021

crossword, contest, cast
Image by
Myles Mellor

Attention fishing fanatics: If you think you have your lingo dialed to the point where you could teach a guide a thing or two, take a stab at this issue's crossword.

1. Artificial enticement
3. Do this to slack fly line and your relationship after fishing all summer
6. _____ your boat; also, a pedestrian homophone for caviar
8. Affirmative gesture; also, _____ off after not catching anything for two hours
10. Waterproof overalls; also, those sorry souls who can’t afford a driftboat
11. Two, twice, goes both ways; also, the type of polarity suffered by anglers who don’t fish enough
12. Prince, but of Essex instead of a nymph (abbr.)
13. Would-be lawyers fear it, longtime trout bums love it
14. All, universal; also, a swanky hotel & resort completely out of your price range
17. Stubborn and unintended catch
18. In Montana, it’s all about this fish
19. Measure trout in inches, rods in _____
20. _____ carefully lest you get stuck or capsize
22. Most fly fishers make too many of these, falsely, and not enough drifts
24. Measurement of river flow; also, what you get when you’ve been fishing for way too long (abbr.)
25. Zip it up and tie one on
26. Northern trout-displacer
27. Fishing for a living will make you healthier, wealthier, and _____
29. Every fish story ever told
31. Chemical element that helps you decide whether to go fishing (abbr.)
32. Spanish for what surrounds most southwest Montana rivers; also, eminent environmental organization
34. Do this to your lure to give it some action in the water; also, do it with your body to get some action on the dance floor
35. Common gas-guzzling fishing rig
36. Beautiful curve that appears in your fly line during a cast; also, homophone for Noah’s watercraft
37. Small waterlogged imitator, mythological nature spirit, and sexy aprés participant

1. What’s between you and the fish; also, what you wait in at the Warm Springs put-in
2. Essential tool for catching fish; also, essential tool for mating
4. Area incongruous to the natural flow
5. What a fish does when you show yourself; also, game to play afterward at the bar
6. Campground monstrosity obliterating sounds and sights of nature
7. Sounds of wingbeats in a thick hatch
9. Aroma, usually foul with trout bums
10. Bony, prolific fish native to Montana; also, where prolific non-native boneheads buy overpriced waterfront mansions in northwest Montana
11. Keep a nylon one in the boat to keep your gear dry
13. Southern equivalent of trout
15. Slip on it and strip it from your streamer
16. Euphemism for bum: “He’s a trout _____!”
18. Organize it in box, pack, or vest; also, what you do to your friend when he beats you to your favorite hole
19. Apparatus for cooking fish & chips; also, homophone for Franciscan follower
21. Use hair from this ungulate to tie a tried-and-true, trout-slaying fly
22. Squawk of a big black bird often seen in Montana
23. Moving water smaller than rivers; also, tears flow in this when you get out-fished
28. Do this to your line to give a streamer some action; also, play this style of poker to get some action
30. Used to describe the story of Moby Dick; also, how every fishing story sounds from the mouth of the storyteller
32. Picturesque Central Montana river; also, what heliophobes avoid by wrapping up in buffs
33. Watch out for the poisonous variety of this when hiking the Beartrap
34. Third-year college student; also, what old-timers call you on the river when you get cocky (abbr.)

See how you fared and check your answers here.