winter trail, hands, gloves, montana, bozeman, cold, raynaud's

Dealing with cold fingers and toes.

Raynaud’s disease can make getting outside in winter less desirable and more painful. It’s hard to have fun when your fingers and toes are in pain. I used to silently panic that a lack of blood flow to my extremities would result in cutting a fun winter day short, or worse, causing a friend to have to turn in early, too. Raynaud’s causes blood vessels to suddenly contract, severely reducing blood flow to the extremities. It’s not curable, but it’s usually manageable. Consider the following to keep Raynaud’s at bay:

No Smoking
Smoking reduces blood circulation, which is what you’re trying to improve if you’re dealing with Raynaud’s.

Warm Core
Blood flow starts at your heart, so keep it warm. Wear a scarf that covers your chest or a vest at all times in the cold, even when shedding layers.

Socks & Gloves
Thicker socks aren’t necessarily warmer when your toes are chilling from the inside. Compression socks can help blood better circulate into your feet and toes. The same goes for your hands and fingers. A good pair of outer gloves is always crucial in the cold, but so is a good pair of liners.

For more general tips on exercising in cold weather check out "Cold-Weather Cardio."