Review: Grayl GeoPress Covert Edition

In the mad consumerist flurry of new outdoor products, when every company lays claim to some novel "technology," it's become increasingly hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. With water purifiers, however, manufacturers seem to be truly innovative, devising new and clever ways to remove impurities from drinking water. Take the Grayl GeoPress Covert Edition, for example, with its speedy, if a bit strenuous, push-and-pull system. Simply fill the cup, insert the filter, press—firmly and smoothly—and voila, 24 ounces of safe water. What's the improvement over the existing GeoPress, you ask? Not only is the color subdued, for hunters and general low-profile visuals, but the new filter accommodates drink mixes. Eight seconds to full hydration, electrolytes and all—not bad, Grayl. $100;