Review: The Heart of the Wild
Through a series of thoughtful essays by both current and emeritus professors, as well as scientists from around the globe, The Heart of the Wild (Princeton University Press, $27) gives us fresh and inspiring stories of the natural world. Contributing writers take the reader from the African bush to the Alaskan tundra, all exploring new subject matter through their own lenses of conservation, environmentalism, and admiration of nature. The variety of narrators, multitude of theses, and engaging prose provide a refreshing and welcome break from the monotony of similar academic publications. Inspiring readers to examine what it means to fully appreciate the outdoor world, The Heart of the Wild explores what the future holds for wild places and how we may proceed as individuals to honor the invaluable resources of undeveloped wilderness and native species. Brief and captivating, this is a fantastic book for the casual reader of environmental and conservation literature.