A Match Made in the Hills

hunting buddies talking

Guidelines for finding the right hunting buddy.

Finding a good hunting partner is a bit like dating: the prospect has to check a certain number of boxes: be tolerable to be around, sleep with, and hike with; persevere when things get tough; complement you and your strengths; tolerate your weaknesses... or not. That’s the beauty of it, as long as you’re both on the same page, that’s all that matters. And being certain you’re in it for the same reasons will ensure that you’re not at each other’s throats just a few hours in. It takes many trials and tribulations to find the right partner, but the effort is worth the wait. Here are some red and green flags we’ve identified that you should look for.

Red Flags
Noncommittal and/or bails on existing plans
Prefers hotel room to camping
Likes to sleep in
Takes a long time getting gear together & has to unpack and repack at the trailhead
Gets cold easily
Loud & loquacious
Doesn’t pack sufficient food or beer
Forgets important gear & equipment
Loath to leave truck unless animals are spotted
References Joe Rogan every other sentence
Smiles deviously and says, “If it’s brown, it’s down!”
Suggests hunting another friend’s secret spot
Hasn’t sighted in rifle in four years
Often mistakes bushes for game
Brags about 800-yard shots
Recounts taking wild shots at running animals
Rushes into position to shoot before you
Considers the day a waste if you didn’t kill anything

Green Flags
Shows up on time, every time
Likes sleeping under the stars
Gets up easily
Gets gear together quickly
Endures discomfort without complaint
Doesn’t talk too much, nor too little
Shares snacks, especially candy
Brings extra stuff and loans it out generously
Loves to hike around in wild nature
Gets giddy during the witching hour
Embraces a sincere respect for the animals
Swears you to secrecy when hunting best spots
Goes to the range often
Spots more animals than you
Shoots within ability and comfort zone
Is gracious and offers you the first shot
Tells good stories and timely, irreverent jokes
Is excited and grateful with every close encounter