Book: Climbing Anchors

Climbing Anchors book

Breakthroughs in climbing techniques are rare, as are new approaches that crack the sport wide open. Climbing’s not about the release of sick new gear, but rather the reuse of time- and rock-tested principles that are used hundreds of times before they ever end up in a textbook. So even though the fourth edition of Climbing Anchors (Falcon Guides, $33) isn’t breaking new ground, it’s done the essential work of collecting the best practices and techniques for building bomber anchors in any circumstance—whether they were devised by Yvon Chouinard in 1980 or a modern-day dirtbag in 2022. The book integrates technical, how-to instruction with wisdom and principles on the when, where, and why of building anchors. It’s not a substitute for real hours logged with a guide or friend, but it is a powerful complement.