Review: Sterling Xeros Rope

This spring, I had the chance to test out the Sterling Dyad 7.7 mm XEROS Rope, a half/twin UIAA dry rope. This bundle of fibers stands out against all other twin rope setups because of the XEROS technology built into it. Not only is the rope dry treated on the sheath, but Sterling also treats it down to the filaments within the core of the rope. This is important because the rope won’t lose strength, handle differently, or gain weight when wet like the normal, dry-treated ropes. The treatment is permanent, so it will last the entirety of the rope’s life, and you can also rest assured knowing the rope is made with certified environmentally friendly materials. Made to stand up against everything from warm sunny days with dripping wet ice to razor-sharp ice on frigid days, this rope is the real deal. $109-$220 depending on length;