Review: Nite Ize S-Biner
Carabiners have long been used to attach various items to backpacks, PFDs, fly vests, etc., and it was only a matter of time before somebody improved on the system. Nite Ize’s two-sided S-Biner clip partitions the ‘biner and adds a second gate, meaning you never have to rotate it—one gate is always at your fingertips. This allows for quick, one-handed operation, which is a nice feature when you’ve just hooked a big fish or are white-knuckling a sloper hold 50 feet up. The S-Biner isn’t a climbing carabiner, mind you; but I found it perfect for holding my chalk bag, climbing knife, or water bottle. The smaller size makes a handy fly-vest clip for clippers and forceps. $2-$3.50, depending on size;