Re-Review: Time-Tested Gear

Re-Review: The stuff we once loved and still do.

Like everyone, we love our gear, and we love telling readers about items we’ve enjoyed. Problem is, we only have a few weeks—if we’re lucky, a couple months—to test the gear before it’s time to write a review. Sometimes, an item that was great for a month suddenly fails, falls apart, or otherwise reveals itself to be considerably less cool than we originally thought. Other times, the opposite happens: an item that we dug turns out to be so badass that we dig it even more as time goes on.

For the latter scenario, one such time-tested outdoor champion is the Gear Aid ARC Light & Power Station ($100), which we reviewed in the fall of 2017. Two full years have gone by and like a good relationship, my love for this light just keeps getting stronger. The rechargeable battery is still solid, and it doesn’t lose charge when sitting unused for extended periods of time. I discovered that the hanging hook comes off, revealing a threaded hole for mounting the light on a tripod—a handy option for doing repairs in my dimly-lit gear dungeon. And at full illumination, this thing’s so damn bright that my friends insist I bring it car-camping, to replace their flickering lanterns and mediocre cooking lamps.

Tech specs can be found online or in the original review, but suffice it to say that, this is the best damn light I’ve ever had; and after eight seasons of use, I can recommend it with enthusiasm and a clear conscience. Trust me, you can’t go wrong with this thing—pick one up today and I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Gear Aid ARC Light & Power Station
